Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Sketches

Leaving LA after finishing college, I moved to Colorado to be a ski bum; ski everyday and work at night. I graduated to skiing all day when I became a ski instructor.

Living in Colorado, I began a love affair with aspens. In spring, you can watch the bright yellow-green little leaves appear and magically turn large before your eyes. Through the summer, the aspen leaves flutter in the breeze. Many times I sketched their white bark with the circular lines and "eyes". But the fall is awesome when you walk in the woods amongst the glow of the yellow and orange leaves. The leaves then make wonderful patterns on the ground when they fall. What a magnificent tree!

When I was planning what trees to include in my landscape, aspens were a definite. I bought little "twigs" from the conservation district and planted them. Unfortunately, the deer also like my aspens. The first year the little forest of aspens were pruned at the top. This year I put a few in cages, but the ones not caged were pruned by the deer this time the middle leaves as the trees were much taller than last year. I will cage them all! These aspens will definitely have some interesting shapes when they mature due to the selective deer pruning. The most exciting thing this year is that the bark on these aspens have turned white and no longer look like twigs.

I love the shape of the aspen leaves, and recently I noticed something unusual. Two of the leaves on opposite sides of the trunk had wonderful colorful designs; worthy of a painting. Hopefully it is not some sign of a bug. If so, what wonderful creative work the bug does!


  1. the soft and flowing style! You do an amazing work with watercolor! POP ART MINIS

  2. Delightful ~ so stylish and gentle ~ Wow! namaste, CArol ( SHARE THE CREATIVE JOURNEY) HAPPY SUNDAY SKETCHES ^_^

  3. Lovely colour - and I dont think i've ever seen an aspen!

  4. Yes the museums are still free - a small donation of 2 pounds is suggested but it is totally optional they just have big bins to toss in your pounds or euros and many put more - the museums are so great!

  5. beautiful piece...I too hope it is not a sign of some disease...very soothing painting.
    cheers, dana

  6. How interesting! I wonder what caused it? Sure makes a lovely painting.

  7. Beautiful painting....I love deer but they are a pain when they chomp on your favourite trees... :)

  8. hope it's not a bug or disease! Lovely work Joanne.

  9. Hi Joanne..truly beautiful and poetic! I love reading what you wrote..I too am a leaf kindred..the apsen leaves do have a wonderful shape..i can see why you adore them! I thought I was the only one who studied leaves and their beauty and magic! and yes as they fall to the ground pretty amazing..nature is just so beautiful! Your art is the gentle twist and turns of the leaves flowing all as one..feels like music..wonderful!
