Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Sketches

I amazed myself!

With the excitement of travel and much to do, I managed to squeeze time for a sketch.

As promised, here is my favorite weed the foxglove.

I will be part of a delegation of artists creating murals in Gaza to bring awareness to the water crisis and need for water purification systems in the UNRWA schools. As soon as the website goes live, you can follow us each day at

I might be able to blog here, too.

Stay tuned........


  1. foxglove is a weed? I should get some, they must be hardy. Lovely painting.

    Your worthwhile cause sounds so exciting at the same time.

  2. What a cool gig you will be part of in Gaza! And we love your fox gloves - our largely untended garden (this year) has gifted us with some just like that!

  3. i just love foxglove. wow, you've really done this so well....just beautiful. this would be a gorgeous card !

  4. this is so beautiful. so glad you squeezed time in, if you are like me; it feels so good to do art.

  5. This is beautiful. I love foxgloves too.

  6. foxglove and you've captured it beautifully!

  7. I have forgotten the name of this weed? I always thought it was a flower.

    lovely painting. have a sweet day.

  8. your sketches are amazing, but don't you get bored of always using the same colour?

  9. Hmmm, had not realized my palette colors have been repeated. I will have to consider that next time, thanks m7.
