Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Sketches

Fuchsia........the ballerina of flowers. Each one is so enchanting.

I tried to keep the flow of watercolors, but I think I over painted the background.

I have been known to tear up paintings and create new. I think I might make this one into a mini painting. What are your thoughts?

Please help me decide which of the seven oil paintings I should enter in the "27 Feet of Art....And More" show and auction. Thanks!

Visit more Sunday Sketchers


  1. Beautiful! There is something about Fuchsias...I love how you describe them as ballerinas. It's true!

  2. Lovely....I would vote for any on your last post...those squares of closeup blooms are gorgeous! So great to meet you and see your art.

  3. I love fushias. I like this as it is. Sometimes though, if you put something to one side for a while you can see what needs to be done at a later date.

  4. I think those flowers look really pretty, but if the piece isn't doing it for you, then yes, definitely crop it to make it about what you do like about it. (And I see what you mean about the fuchsia being the ballerina of flowers!)

  5. I like both versions, but the top one is probably my favourite... I think it is really well composed and I like the sketchiness at the top...xx

  6. I love fuchsias they remind me of dancing girls. I like the top one the best, just had another look I think I like the second one, oh dear they are both very good

  7. Great painting... I really like square 7...something about fushias and pink.. :)
