Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Sketches

Still focusing on the subject of trees...

Again here is the Lucuma tree in the background with the Nuqchu flower at its base. This is fuchsia-like flower which blooms year round in the Sacred Valley of Peru.

The Nuqchu is the main plant of the Earth Garden at Willa T'kia. Carol relates that the cascades of flowers portray abundance, not just material abundance but also love. Their powerful spirit is believed to bring love to the base chakra. You can find out more about native flowers of Peru and Carol's chakra gardens in her book, Chakra Gardens.

First painting is a watercolor and ink sketch.

This painting is an oil on 12" X 12" canvas.


  1. Totally gorgeous..beautiful work! and yes it is so wonderful experiencing beautiful chakra energies from all of nature, plants..trees..everything..a magical universe!

  2. lovely pieces, you're so versatile!

  3. These are beautiful Joanne. I feel like I'm there drinking in their scents...

  4. Wow amazing how different each piece looks in a different medium. The colors are soft and the blossoms and stem seem so delicate in watercolor. But the colors look so vibrant and textural in oils. Very interesting project.

  5. Very beautiful artwork!!!!kisses.

  6. wonderful to hear of the meaning of this piece
    such a lovely thing to behold...

  7. Joanne both of these are quite wonderful... have you seen Margaret mead's book of botanicals from the Amazon... I think you would love it and it is an amazing read...xx

  8. Joanne, thank you for visiting my blog. I have translate up-right on my blog. You can translate my language.Your painting is marvellous!!! kisses.

  9. beautiful flowers and your rocks behind them are soooo well done!
    love this!
    i like the little miny oil below, too!
