Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sunday Sketches

I have been on retreat this home!

An idea that formulated over breakfast with a couple of my creative friends. Today ends our "seven day at home retreat." The basic rules were: to spend at least 3-4 hours a day creating and meet together one or more times during the week to process with a final session this evening.

I have six water-based oil paintings and three watercolor & ink sketches! What could I accomplish if I kept at this pace?!?!?

The Lucuma tree which I first saw at Willa T'ika in the Sacred Valley of Peru was the inspiration of the first paintings.

This watercolor and ink sketch shows the branches, leaves, and fruit in the foreground with the shape of the bark in the background.

And the oil painting.....


  1. ooh, your work is always so pretty - you do a great job with oils, too!
    enjoy your sunday Joanne!

  2. that sounds like a wonderful thing to do, congrats on the paintings you created. these are beautiful!

  3. Oh wow, that's so cool to see how the two similar works look in different mediums. Both styles came out great.

  4. Sounds like a great plan - did you ban housework for the week? It's always going to be tough just ignoring everything else!

  5. Great job Joanne, both are brilliant... :)

  6. Wow your oils are coming along! I love the yellows and colour mixing! Lucuma tree is new to me and a wonderful word that rolls in your mouth! Your retreats at home are a great idea, though I do not know how i'd keep up balancing the whole lot.. but am intrigued tat you have been able!

  7. Lovely,peaceful, easy to look at.You have tons of talent :) Denise
