Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Intention Stick

At the start of the new year, friends gathered for a potluck and to create intention sticks.

What is an intention stick?

These sticks are also known as prayer sticks or talking sticks, but the focus of an intention stick is to create a visual reminder, or fetish piece to bind to you, and the intention that you set, for your life or your future. What a great way to provide focus for the New Year.

All over the world, people make objects to hold and send their prayers. There are special ceremonies found in ancient cultures and practiced today, that involve the construction of ‘holders and senders’ of prayers from natural materials.

It is fun to create intention sticks with friends. Especially sharing food and materials as well as conversation.

How to make an intention stick:

1. Find a stick that you feel is special.

2. Write intentions for the year on a pieces of paper.

3. Wrap the paper intentions face down around the stick and cover the intentions with colorful yarn, ribbon, thread or other materials.

4. Embellish with beads, stones, other objects.

Here is my intention stick from different angles.....


  1. I've never heard of an intention or prayer stick. Quite interesting. Thank you for sharing with us. Very intriguing. :)
