Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Sketches

More organized today than last Sunday. I did not have to squeeze in time to sketch. Maybe the rainy day was more conducive to being indoors being creative.

Having been away for two days enjoying the gift of sunshine and time at the beach, I was surprised when I returned home to find two Iceland poppies in bloom. What a treat and perfect subject matter for my sketch.

I tried another new watercolor paper which allowed more flow to the watercolors, but was rather "bumpy" for ink. I inked first and then painted wondering what would happen if I did just the opposite? I might give that a try next Sunday.

Here is today's Sunday Sketch:


  1. oh these are beautiful. i love the intense color of the background against the softness of the flowers. Poppies are one of my favorites! they are so delicate. have a great evening

  2. Hi Heather,

    Thank you! I love poppies too :)

  3. Wonderful watercolor sketch....and a nice surprise to come home to! Wishing you a creatively fun week!

  4. Hi Ladies,

    Thank you for stopping by to comment. Appreciate you inspirational words, thanks :)

  5. Hi Sophia,

    Thank you!

    My secret: I use a permanent pen.

  6. I love your work and I am now following so I can see your future creations. I love flower watercolors and you pretty much nailed this one. I love how the petals look very pastel and then your background is such a beautiful blue. I use a faber castel pen on my watercolors and it is supposed to be waterproof but when I use it on my watercolor AFTER I paint it...the ink sort of becomes bolder/runny in spots. Sigh. Keep up the creativeness!

  7. Joanne, this is lovely, wonderful depth in your colors.
