A fellow artist was brought to my attention because she too creates murals to bring awareness to a specific cause.
I was in
Gaza creating murals to bring awareness to the water crisis, and Jame Kim is creating murals to bring awareness to endangered migrating species.
She calls her project the
Migrating Murals.
Jane Kim combines the accessibility of street art with meticulous scientific detail. She plans to paint a series of eye-catching large-scale murals in public places along the migration routes of endangered species like the North Pacific blue whale and the whooping crane. The whale murals will stretch from Baja California to Alaska and crane paintings in locations from Texas to Canada.
Her Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep murals will dot U.S. 395 from Olancha to Lee Vinning - two small California towns that mark the herd's approximate southern and northern boundaries. She hopes to complete them by October.

The Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep population has dwindled to around 400, and estimates suggest that the remaining numbers of North Pacific blue whales is currently in the low 3,000's.
Next on Kim's agenda is to paint murals of endangered coho salmon, possibly stretching all from the Pacific Northwest to South Korea.