Another glorious, but cold, day in Olympia, Washington. I could NOT stay indoors. But unlike yesterday, Today I put on sunscreen.
Imagine, sunscreen in January in Washington!
Our early morning walk was on the Chehalis Western Trail, where my friend, Linda, and I came upon a ruby-crowned kinglet feeding on the side of the trail. The bird was frantically looking for food in the frozen foliage and did not care that we were so close to it. I tried to get photos, but the little guy was moving too fast.

This is what he looks like when not on the hunt.

At the ponds today, the hole in the ice was much smaller. I gather the Bufflehead ducks must have moved elsewhere to swim and dive.
A great view of the Olympics from the Trail.

When I returned home from walking the Chehalis Western Trail, another friend, Maxine, called wanting to go for a walk. Why not? It was such a beautiful day! Lunch was outside sitting in the sunshine soaking up some vitamin D. A picnic in January!
We decided on a beach walk from Burfoot Park. Check out the Olympics this time!

A blue heron was fishing along the shore.

We met Kitty out in her handmade kayak. Kayaking in January, another winter time miracle!

What a fabulous start to the New Year and an
incredible January winter day in Olympia, Washington!